【同义词辨析】 2020-01-01 进入enter-pierce

enter: the most general of these, may imply either going in or forcing a way in: ~ed the city in triumph.

penetrate: carries a strong implication of an impelling force or compelling power that achieves entrance: no bullet has ever ~d a vest of that material.   PEL词根表示to move, drive推动推进     achieve成就成功,表示困难费力

pierce: adds to penetrate a clear implication of an entering point or wedge: a fracture in which the bone ~s the skin. wedge楔子,一边厚一边薄的工具,用来分离物体

probe: implies a penetration to investigate or explore something hidden from easy observation or knowledge: ~d the depth of the sea.   央视《新闻调查》的英文名是news probe,取其investigate的意思   probe和problem源自同一个词根PROB表示to prove证明,又如probation试用期缓刑期

enter进入: 最通用,可指普通进入强行进入,penetrate穿入: 表示强大推进力,克服阻力进入,pierce刺入: 强调切入点线,probe调查探索: 为了调查研究隐秘难观察的事物而进入

记忆方法: 1)首字母EPPP中3P想成三人E想成进入<==进入

        2)进入的意思是进到里边mean to make way into something.